Scatter cushions

Scatter cushions

See our wide range on scatter cushions!
Our scatter cushions come with cover including zip and filling.
Size are either Square (60×60  or Rectangular (40×60)

New Scatter cushions add more comfort to your chairs as well as improving the aesthetic of your guestroom's. Rather than choosing conventional cushions, you could go with scatter cushions. This type of cushion is specifically designed to be smaller so you can have as many as you like on your sofa and add comfort, colour, and decoration, without taking up the space that plants or ornaments would.

Here’s a few other benefits that come with having scatter cushions.

A neater look
Many might think scatter cushions are an unnecessary addition to your guest rooms, and some think it can make your hotel rooms look untidy. However, you don’t need to have these concerns because there are various ways in which scatter cushions can be presented in a tidy manner. One of them is that they can be paired with usual cushions to add more depth to them. Another is you can have them by themselves and, given their smaller size, they will give your guest rooms a more minimal look. They can be used in Hotel lobby and restaurant as well; they can be placed around your chairs to give them a plush look and feel. Scatter cushions can also bring a lot of colour because you can mix and match different colours to suit your Hotel.

A touch of finesse
Scatter cushions can also be covered with printed fabric covers. Brocade and damask patterns are ideal to have considering they usually have sophisticated patterns that would suit any guest room or Lobby. These fabrics also provide a smooth and soft texture, making your cushions feel more comfortable and relaxing. They also provide a traditional and elegant look and, if they have symmetrical patterns and you pair them with neutral colours, you don’t have to worry about them making your space look untidy.
Overall, scatter cushions are versatile and can be personalized to something suitable for you. Whether you decide to put some in your guest rooms, Lobby, or restaurant, they can reinvigorate your space